3 Comics Categorized "13. Lifespan Development"

Four stick figure panels: (1) baby sees mouse being chased by a cat; (2) mouse has disappearred into a hole in the wall, baby says mouse gone; (3) cat patiently waiting for the mouse to come out of the hole; (4) cat with the now dead mouse in its mouth

Object permanence: Baby vs cat

Babies at age 8 months-ish do not have object permanence – out of sight in the mouse hole, the baby thinks the mouse is gone and does not…

“Not yet ready” for logarithms

All through school, I was good at math. I wasn’t brilliant at math like my genius older brother, but I was good enough to get A’s. I think…

4 panel simple line comic. One man wearing turban and one male Sikh child holding a 1st place ribbon for winning a spelling bee.

Ch.13 comic: Concrete operational thinking

A colleague told me this true story and gave me permission to share. I have changed some details to anonymize and protect privacy. In this story, an adult…